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Doubly sad news from N.S.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:14 pm
by fred
We all know of the tragedy of the killings. I think this morning I saw that it was up to 23, a number which may have included the shooter himself. (?) There's a lot of grief in the province and some question as to whether the public could have been alerted to the danger earlier.
It was far enough away from here, in the Valley, that my news of it is all through the Internet, and I read so many stories of attacks around the world that it seems to be part of that general horror. There is another thing that keeps me from feeling the full impact of that tragedy however.
My, almost, lifelong friend, Sandra, whom I've been sending emails to for over 3 years now while she battled ALS, finally passed away last week. I got an email with the news, yesterday. That has sort of overpowered the shooting deaths. Sandi had a strong spirit and remained unafraid the whole time. The doctors offered her "assisted suicide" which they can do now, and she refused. Her accounts of it sounded like the doctors had a new toy and they wanted to play with putting patients down. She had to defend her right to life as strongly as she could and in the end they allowed her to have a natural death as she had wanted, to the best of my knowledge.
Death is not the end. So I am relaxed about it now. I'll see her in the next life. Others also.
It\s +4 C. here and a light snow is falling. There will be no evidence of it as soon as it stops. It's not that bad.
I hope you're all staying healthy. I am, but tomorrow I'll go out on the bike and do some shopping in Kentville. I'll see the town with new eyes, because that is where Sandi grew up and I may even pass the house where she spent her childhood. It's on the way to the store I have to go to for coffee beans, but I don't know which one is further out.
A friend is going to meet me when I finish shopping and she'll drive my groceries back, because I am not supposed to lift anything that is too strenuous. Hauling 50 or 60 lbs of groceries up a 80 meter high hill on bicycle is definitely in that range and would stress my heart. As it is I'll take the road slowly going home. Going down hill will be very quick and no strain at all. :D
Have a great day, everyone. The snow has stopped & the sun has come out low in the West. It almost hurts my eyes to look out the window, it's so bright.
more probably next week when I stop by again, sometime. Any problems, just email me.

Re: Doubly sad news from N.S.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:49 pm
by Elizabeth
Condolences on the death of your friend, Fred :cry:

We are living in very strange times - stay safe & well!

Re: Doubly sad news from N.S.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:21 pm
by fred
Thank-you. You too!