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When you're creating passwords...

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:36 pm
by Unclefred
For those who are re-registering, I hope you all are, you'll be creating passwords. I seriously recommend for security's sake that you use new, cryptic passwords so that the malicious computer programs out there can't guess them and log in to post spam and other,... pleasantries, disguised as you.
I have set the board to require 10 characters for a password and that it consist of both letters & numbers. For maximum security, you can also use upper & lower case letters, as well as a mix of characters above the numbers. So a really good password "example only" would be TKSU&*$@547uji85bc Mix them up as much as you can & keep them written down somewhere secret & safe in case you ever need to refer to them. It's also good to change them every few months in case 'bots are trying to log in as you by guessing your password. The board is set to allow only a few guesses at a time, to prevent them from using the speed of a computer to go through all possible combinations, (they use English words first and names especially), so it gave rise to the indelicate saying that passwords are like underwear. You don't show them to anyone and you change them regularly. :lol: