I've been able to log in.

I will post board issues here, and announce when I am going to prune old messages, or try another update. (It'll be a long time before I try that again). But if you're having problems with the board, I certainly do, or if you have a request about a feature, then this is the place for that.
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I've been able to log in.

Post by fred »

Hello people. I'm still here. How has the board been behaving? I'm in fairly good health and basically have no idea what's going on in the skating world.
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Re: I've been able to log in.

Post by Elizabeth »

Glad to hear from you, Fred!

Things seem to have been fine with the board.

I've been trying to keep the skating news flowing :D
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Re: I've been able to log in.

Post by fred »

I'm sure you have. I'm going to delete a long list of unread posts. I'll try to be around more often. I've been editing my book and hopefully preparing it for publication. It takes a while, and I've been working with lowered expectations. The medicines that regularise my heart beat also lower my blood pressure and make me dizzy, but I'm working with that... just more slowly. Did I mention that I've had cataract operations on both eyes now, all done this spring. The eyes are doing well.
More later.
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Re: I've been able to log in.

Post by kittykins »

That's great Fred. Wow, you've had a lot happening.
"At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.” (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis)
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Re: I've been able to log in.

Post by fred »

Yup. And some of it was good. :)
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