2026 Olympics - Milano Cortina, Italy - 6-22 February 2026

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2026 Olympics - Milano Cortina, Italy - 6-22 February 2026

Post by Elizabeth »

The logos for the 2026 games - the Olympics and Paralympics Image

The mascots have been revealed - Tina, Milo & The Flo​!!
In case you were wondering, Tina & Milo are stoats, and siblings who represent the two host cities. A stoat (Mustela erminea) is a small mammel of the family mustelid, related to the weasel and otter. Sometimes known as a short tailed weasel, it is larger than a weasel.

Your thoughts...
  • How many of the skaters we are seeing today will be competitors there?
  • How many ice dance of pairs teams that have been competing this year might be "re-teamed" leading up to 2026?
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Re: 2026 Olympics - Milano Cortina, Italy - 6-22 February 2026

Post by happyheini »

good questions, Elizabeth, especially, re-teaming. Maybe it will become clearer after Worlds.
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